Friday, May 11, 2012



This was tried out by Kyar Singh thanks to Son2 being around ostensibly for his preparation leave. He uses it most efficiently by lounging around watching endless cricket. There’s the World Cup  ‘–it’s come after I was doing my tenth boards; Mamma’.
I never know what match is on cricket just puts me off. We have too much of it. Gone were the good old days that one heard the commentary on transistors and looked forward to our team going on a tour of England or Australia. Or the Pakistani team coming over. What excitement. It used to happen in large gaps and one savoured the matches. Now it’s an everyday affair its hard even to keep track of it.
Coming back to the eggs, this recipe I got from Begums Kitchen. It was really as good as it looks.
One has to make a gravy of onions and green chillies. I threw in some potatoes and mushrooms as well. Then just let the eggs settle on it.
Don’t miss my fancy tea-pot that is used now to grow Jade a type of cacti. The funny part is that at the bottom of the tea-pot is a screw which when turned gives out the old melodious tune. But since we like our tea dhaba type (everything brewed together)the teapots and milk pot and sugar bowl slowly become pots to grow my plants.



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